Countdown to Christmas

Hello , I’m so sorry for not posting or being active for so long as I had a very busy November but I’m back and i thought, since it is the 1st today, i would write something about Christmas and December.

I love winter almost as much as i love autumn as every day i wake up to a crisp morning with a bright sun and a refreshing atmosphere. However, it is soooooo cold and walking to school i lose all the feeling in my toes.

Another reason i love December is because you can finally begin the countdown to Christmas (24 days!) and decorate the house with all sorts of sparkly, festive things. Also, i feel like it brings the family together as you find yourselves going to more markets or food festivals wrapped up snug in 20 layers (maybe a bit of an exaggeration).

Even though I do love this time of year it can become very stressful buying friends and family presents and actually coming up with ideas of what you ask people for . Obviously as I’m getting older it’s getting so hard to think of ideas of what i want. When you’re younger you can look through a catalogue and choose a toy out of it but it’s not like i can do that anymore . Are you struggling with coming up with ideas? Or have you got any ideas of what i can ask people for?

A very busy body … busying away …