Realising the truth

I’m sorry to drag you into the spotlight here lovelaurenellen but after reading one of your recent blog posts you have made me realise that the reason why i have recently had a big gap in my posts is because I was writing posts in ways i thought would hit publicity when really they were just posts the same as all the others that probably left people bored reading halfway through and because they were the same as all the others and not my unique style i was struggling to find things to write, so i stopped . If i want people to like my blog posts i need to write things that are unique because they’ve come from me. I want people to like my blog posts because they like my personality , and then if they don’t like it then they can find another blogger out their in the world who has a personality they like. From now you’ll see me posting regularly and they will be posts about how I truly feel about things and posts about things i love. You can probably expect a lot of things about food and a lot of creative things. From now on i am looking at blogging through a new pair of eyes.

A very busybody … busying away …


Countdown to Christmas

Hello , I’m so sorry for not posting or being active for so long as I had a very busy November but I’m back and i thought, since it is the 1st today, i would write something about Christmas and December.

I love winter almost as much as i love autumn as every day i wake up to a crisp morning with a bright sun and a refreshing atmosphere. However, it is soooooo cold and walking to school i lose all the feeling in my toes.

Another reason i love December is because you can finally begin the countdown to Christmas (24 days!) and decorate the house with all sorts of sparkly, festive things. Also, i feel like it brings the family together as you find yourselves going to more markets or food festivals wrapped up snug in 20 layers (maybe a bit of an exaggeration).

Even though I do love this time of year it can become very stressful buying friends and family presents and actually coming up with ideas of what you ask people for . Obviously as I’m getting older it’s getting so hard to think of ideas of what i want. When you’re younger you can look through a catalogue and choose a toy out of it but it’s not like i can do that anymore . Are you struggling with coming up with ideas? Or have you got any ideas of what i can ask people for?

A very busy body … busying away …


How to relax …

Hello, it’s Thursday and I’m really sorry because it has been a while since I last posted but I thought today I would give you some tips on how to relax and zone out after a busy, stressful day.

We all have those days where we’ve undergone a lot of stress and we just want to be on our own and have time to think to ourselves. Below are some tips on how I my self like to relax and hopefully it will help you too …

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water and squeeze in a dollop of body lotion to create a warm, bubbly bath. On the side light a few candles or if you don’t want real ones you can use a few battery ones as they still give off a soothing vibe. I like to have a really deep bath, turn off all the lights and just have the candles on whilst reading my book (careful not to drop it in ) this helps me cancel everything else in the world out and just get lost in my book.
  2. Another thing i like to do is lie in my bed and wrap my self up in the duvet and a blanket while watching one of my favourite films. To make things even more cosier i close my blinds, shut the door and have my fairy lights on in the background.
  3. Hot chocolate or pumpkin spiced late’s are the secrets to a mind at ease and they just make my whole body warm up and feel cosy and happy. They are like little mugs of joy and if you hover your face over it and let the steam drift up to your face it feels like all the stress is just being sucked out of you and you can properly drift into thoughts or zone out.
  4. Now I know this may sound weird but watching food programs makes me feel all fuzzy inside and eating any of my favourite comfort meals like spag bol or lasagne or curry because they are meals you can combine altogether , there aren’t separate random foods on a plate they all just mix together and warm me up.

To me being relaxed is to be able to do something for a long time without being bored and to not have to think about anything else in the world.

Hopefully these will help you out for any time in the future x

A very busy body… busying away …

Pumpkin floatilla event

Hello, it’s Saturday and last night me, my sister, my brother, my sister in law and my mom and stepdad all went to the pumpkin floatilla event in Sarehole mill as i explained in one of my previous posts. What we had to do was we had to carve a pumpkin and then set it on a float around the lake and watch them all pass but that wasn’t all of what we did. We could have hot chocolate and melt marshmallows on the bonfire and there was even a spooky mill tour.


We were on the schedule that had hot chocolate and melted marshmallows first so as soon as we had given in our pumpkin we went straight to the tiny little cafe area and got our hot chocolate and marshmallows, then we walked over to the bonfire and started melting them till they were brown on the outside but warm and gooey on the inside.


After that , we were due to be watching the pumpkins so we got to follow a cutely lit path and stand on the bridge watching them float past. It was really therapeutic and really nice to see.We stayed there for a bit as we weren’t due for the spooky mill tour for a while so then we headed back to the fire.


It was now 8:40 and our turn to go on the spooky mill tour where we got to go inside the mill and actors told us stories of either how they died or how the mill was a dangerous place. Once that was over we headed back in the taxi reflecting on the great evening we had had.


A very busy body … busying away …

Blankets , hot chocolate & cosy days

Hello, it’s a beautiful , crisp , Autumn Saturday morning  and I have nothing to do apart from spend a cosy day at home. There is nothing I love more than Autumn! I love the colours : bright oranges, yellows and deep reds. I love wrapping up warm in a blanket with a hot chocolate in my hands and i love looking out the window to all the beautiful scenery. Also, with all the beautiful colours I can take some really beautiful photos(like the ones i took this morning above) of all the leaves, trees,  squirrels eating their acorns and hopefully the hedgehogs trudging along the garden. So yes, i would have to say Autumn is my favourite season!

Also, there is one thing I am really looking forward to… Next week my sister and her boyfriend are coming down from Manchester and then my brother and his girlfriend are coming as well, and we are going to a pumpkin floatilla, which will be amazing and i can’t wait to lift my Autumn mood even more and hopefully get some really pretty photos. I’m wishing and praying there’s loads of massive pumpkins there as well and of course me and my mom have got one already on our stairs. Obviously i will tell you all about it afterwards but until then, join me in the cosy autumn mood and maybe tell me some things you really love about Autumn or perhaps, things you don’t like (like being absolutely FREEZING walking to school!).

A very busy body … busying away …


Struggles of moving rooms

Hello, it’s Monday and the start of what I hope, is a great week. Recently, me and my sister have swapped bedrooms so I have the smaller cosier room and she has the bigger room. I prefer having the smaller room actually because i feel like i can make it my own little cosy hangout.

Anyway, really in retrospect i chose the wrong time to move in as the weekend after i started moving things in and sorting things out i went camping 2 weekends in a row with my friend Chloe ( who also has a blog : Chloe does stuff so please go and follow her, she posts some really amazing things) so then I had loads of boxes lying around in my new room waiting to be unpacked and put in new places.

However, once all that hassle was over I was able to continue putting everything away. The theme of my new bedroom is basically neutral so i have grey walls and grey carpet and then i have fairy lights with pictures, lots of scatter cushions featuring pastel colours, wooden crates under my bed, my guitar on my wall and then lots of personal touches. I’m so glad it’s finished but the reason i decided to have basic plain walls was so that i could add anything to it and it wouldn’t be permanent in case I changed my mind later on in life which is what i did with my previous bedroom decorations and then it cost more money redecorating.

So after having gone through the struggles of how to set out my room and how to decorate it, I thought i would make your lives easier for future references by giving you a few tips…

  1. Aim for neutral basic colours for backgrounds such as walls so that you can add on lots of different colours on top as you go
  2. Try and think outside the box when it comes to storage so you could find places that don’t stand out too much especially if you’re moving into a smaller room so ideas like under the bed or inside chairs are good
  3. Go for a basic bedding so you can have colourful scatter cushions and a warm cosy blanket over the bed
  4. Try not to scatter ornaments around your room, keep them organised and in close compact groups
  5. Maybe add in a few floating shelves for TV’s so they’re not cluttering up space
  6. Make it extra cosy by adding candles and fairy lights or any objects that are close to your heart

I hope you enjoyed this short little post today

A very busy body … busying away …



Healthy morning smoothies

Good morning everybody, it’s Saturday and today I thought I would share with you some new breakfast ideas because i imagine most people like my self get bored with having the same breakfast over and over again, so here are some ideas and if you love them that much go and check out the recipes on my Food page .

First up, which is my absolute all time favourite : Banana and cinnamon smoothie. I love this because personally I’m not a big fan of smoothies when all the seeds are there and its a weird consistency, but because the banana is so smooth with the yogurt it is basically a milkshake just a lot healthier. I understand that cinnamon is not for everyone so you could always replace it with cocoa powder to have a banana and cocoa shake which is equally as scrumptious. 630901_Bananaandcinnamonsmoothie_xxl

Next we have orange dreamsicle smoothie which with the orange, mango and a drop of vanilla extract it’s a match made in heaven. I also love this because the slight tanginess of the orange contrasting with the sweetness of the mango and the vanilla excites the insides of your mouth and again as none of these ingredients have that weird texture i sometimes don’t like in smoothies it’s exactly like a milkshake.

Image result for orange, vanilla  and mango smoothie

And finally we have, maple, peach shake which I know sounds odd but is actually delicious. You may be sat there thinking, well isn’t syrup unhealthy, well golden syrup is but maple isn’t as it is like honey and is a natural sugar, bees for honey, maple trees for maple syrup. It’s the perfect sweet start to the morning and incase you were worried that they weren’t filling enough, they are you can easily last till lunch.

Image result for peach and maple syrup smoothies

A very busy body … busying away …